Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 - Thank God its getting over !!! Welcome 2021

This is the first time after several years that I am writing a blog.

So I am going to write as I think. Absolutely no preparation. What you see is what I am thinking right now.

How often does one check office mails while on a holiday. And why does one do that ?

Is it boredom ? Is it anxiety ? Is it the FOMO kicking in ?

Which brings us to the question ? How does one spend a holiday ?

Is holiday much different than a working day ? Especially since March this year when most of us have had to be cooped up in a room, staring at a screen and working non stop. Yet not feeling like actually working ? And though being at home, not feeling like being on "leave"   The pandemic has turned our work life and our holiday on its head. We are constantly on a guilt trip....feeling overworked, worthless, spent, all at the same time. 

Do we need leisure ? IF so for what ? Watch TV, binge watch OTT stuff, go for walks, eat and eat nonstop. Didnt you do all this during Work from Home too ?

Coming back to work ... what is work ? Has the definition changed. Does work mean going to office, sit in a cabin with AC on full blast, sorting and replying to mails, seeking and giving information, attending virtual meets, negotiations and closing deals etc.   Ah...but didnt you do all this sitting at home all these months ? So is going to work  necessary ?

I think pandemic or not, in the days to come there has to be a major resetting required in our lives.

A new year is a great way to do that ...

Lets do something acftually different in 2021... Any ideas ?

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